
SVDB Bylaws



A. The name of this not-for-profit corporation, hereafter referred to as the club, shall be the Sacramento Valley Detecting Buffs.

B. The objective (purpose) of this club is to bring together in good fellowship individuals interested in the Earth sciences as a hobby including the use of detectors, dowsing, natural findings of gold, silver, fossils, coins, rocks, mineralogy, geology, geocaching and archaeological pursuits.




A. Membership shall be open to any person and his/her family interested in the objective and purpose as stated in these by-laws.
B. Membership is established by payment of dues.
C. Dues are for the calendar year and shall be at such a rate as established by the board and approved by a vote of members.
Renewal of dues by current members shall be completed by December 31st for the next full calendar year.  If not paid, delinquent  member will be assessed a $10.00 late fee to renew.  To renew membership the delinquent member will pay the $10.00 late fee plus the full years dues.

D. New members joining during the first three quarters of the year shall pay dues in full for that year. New members joining during the last quarter of the year shall pay dues prorated for that quarter plus full dues for the following year.
E. Honorary Membership may be awarded to any individual for outstanding service or assistance to the club. Honorary members shall have all rights and privileges of members and shall be exempt from payment of dues. Honorary members are awarded according to notification and voting by the members.
F. Any member may have their membership terminated without cause by a majority of board members.



A. Meetings shall be held on a day and time selected by membership.
B.  A quorum of 25 members must be present to conduct a regular business meeting.

C. Only items approved by the Board may be brought to meetings for solicitation purposes.



A. The elected officers of the club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Chairman. This constitutes the board of directors.
B. The term of office shall be one year.
C. A nominating committee shall be appointed at the September meeting by the president. Nominations are to be announced at the October meeting with additional nominations accepted from the floor. All names placed in nomination must have prior approval from the nominee as to willingness to serve.
D. Election of officers by secret vote to be held at the November meeting when there is more than one candidate running for office. If only one eligible candidate has consented to serve that candidate shall be elected by acclimation.
E. Officers are to assume duties at the first meeting in January. Following the installation of new officers the preceding board of directors (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Chairman) shall be honorary members of the board of directors for one year.
F.  Additional voting Board Members may be appointed by the board.




A. President: The president of the club shall preside over all meetings and perform all duties customary to the office including appointing all committees and filling any vacancies to complete an officer's term for the remainder of the year.
B. Vice President: The vice president shall be the public affairs officer of the club and would prepare press releases and arrange media coverage about events open to the public. In the absence of the president the vice president shall assume the duties of the office.
C. Secretary: The secretary shall be responsible for recording and reporting the activities of the club at the regularly scheduled meetings.
D. Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the club funds and their proper disbursement. Funds shall be kept on deposit in a financial institution approved by the club officers. Checks for disbursement must be signed by one (1) of the two officers (treasurer and president) authorized to sign checks for the club. The treasurer shall report the current bank balance and all expenditures and deposits at each meeting of the club.  All expenditures for the general running of the club are to be approved by the board of directors. In January of each year, both the old and new treasurer and the new president will audit the club books upon take over by the new board
. The treasurer shall annually provide the board with an analysis of membership dues ability to support club activities.

E.  Membership Chairman:  The membership chairman shall be responsible for collecting yearly membership dues and recording this data in a spreadsheet type report.  This data will be distributed to board members and other volunteers that have a need to know this information in a quarterly report.  This person will also be responsible to conduct a drawing of active members at each monthly membership meeting for a prize.



A. The club may be dissolved only by a majority vote of the membership at a scheduled meeting after all members have been notified in writing of this intent including proposed disposal of assets.
B. In event of dissolution of the club, it's assets shall be disposed of to a charitable organization in accordance with the wishes of the majority of the membership and the laws of the state of California relating to incorporated non-profit organizations.




A.  In case of loss or injury of any kind to any member or his / her family while at a club meeting, field trip, or any other event involving the club said member agrees NOT to hold the club responsible in any way.




A. Any member desiring to amend the by-laws shall present in writing the proposed change(s) at a regular scheduled meeting.
B. All members must be notified in writing of the proposed change(s) and the date of voting relating to the change(s).
C. A Majority vote of the membership at the scheduled meeting is required for passage of the amendment.

AMENDED: 3/90, 10/90, 1/92, 1/93, 3/95, 6/02, 7/08, 8/09, 2/13, 8/20,1/21,6/9/21, 9/21


